Code of Conduct

The Source Testing Association (STA) is a not for profit Company limited by guarantee and is owned by its members, there is no shareholding.

The Officers of the Association are elected every two years by the membership.

Each member has one vote. The current positions are as follows;

  • Chairman
  • Chairman Elect
  • Technical
  • Quality
  • Equipment suppliers
  • Stack Testing
  • Process Operators
  • Health & Safety
  • Small Business

Each officer is appointed as a Director of the company. The officers also are responsible for electing the Administrator who becomes a director and company secretary. Membership is open to any company that has an interest in emission monitoring.

All members agree to abide by the Association Code of Conduct

Code of Conduct

a) Only the most appropriate sampling protocols, reference test methods and/or equipment shall be used, and which shall, in the professional opinion of the personnel involved, represent to the client the most cost effective means of achieving the required goals of the sampling project

b) Only the most appropriate equipment shall be used or specified to meet the agreed client requirements.

c) All work shall meet or exceed the minimum standards required by the Association.

d) All phases of testing, including site work, laboratory analysis, data reduction and reporting shall be accomplished by appropriately qualified or experienced personnel. Personnel under training shall be appropriately supervised at all times.

e) Personnel involved in site work shall obey all safety legislation in force locally, and shall conduct themselves in a manner which will maintain a safe working environment for themselves, their co-workers and other person on site. Such personnel shall dress and conduct themselves in the most appropriate manner for the site involved.

f) All persons affiliated with the Association shall conduct themselves with the highest standard of professional integrity, and shall not act in any way likely to bring the association into disrepute


i. Contribute to the development of industry standards, codes, safety procedures and operating principles.

ii. Encourage the personal and professional development of practising source samplers and students.

iii. Maintain a body of current knowledge in respect to emission monitoring.

iv. Assist in maintenance of a high level of ethical conduct.

v. Seek co-operative endeavours with other professional organisations, institutions and regulatory bodies, nationally and internationally, that are engaged in source emissions testing and certification of individuals who conduct such emissions testing.

Breach of the code of conduct.

This could be via a complaint to the STA or via other means that puts the reputation of the STA in jeopardy. i.e.

  • Complaint via a customer
  • Complaint via another member
  • Companies operating in a manner that has a financial impact on the STA.

Any complaint will be sent to the Officers of the Association and if necessary they will convene a meeting to discuss the complaint which may include inviting the
complainant and the member to the meeting.

Unpaid membership fees or outstanding amounts.

Best efforts are used to chase and recover outstanding money from members. If a member owes membership fees and/or other amounts by the end of December each year they will be excluded from entry into the STA annual Guide. If a member owes money for a period greater than 6 months then all membership benefits will be withdrawn until the outstanding amount(s) are paid. This does not include situations where there is a dispute by the member to STA which is under investigation.

Any member that does not pay dues or amounts that are outstanding by the end of the financial year can have their membership suspended at the discretion of the officers.

Advance payment of the annual membership fee may be requested, at the discretion of the officers, if there is a perceived financial risk to the STA.

Cancelling membership

STA membership is a rolling membership automatically renewing on the 1st April, Any member may resign its membership by giving at least six months written notice to expire on the date that coincides with the close of any subscription year.